Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Forge Week

This is the journal entry from my Forge week. All of us are given one week within the time we'll be at the Forge where we will step in and lead as interim Forge director. The spirit behind this is to teach us that as leaders we need to be constantly training people to take our position. A company should not be crippled by the loss of a leader...ever.

Going into this week I had a bit of anxiety but not much. It was more or less just exhausting. However with a few hiccups it seemed to roll by pretty smoothly. Leading the fam this week was both fun and humbling. I didn’t nearly get as stressed as I thought I would. The Lord was definitely my source of calmness and steadiness. And still is but when you’re in the heat of the moment and don’t lose it you know it’s the Spirit. I felt like I was in my element leading. But given that I would have done this in the beginning of the program I know I would have been immature going about my responsibilities to serve. Making myself a student of my peers was one of the main factors in helping me approach this week. The verse, “If anyone wants to be the first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all” rang in my head all week. If I was going to lead these people in the way of the Truth I needed to become their servant. Which leads me to a major point that I learned this week. Leading doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re always out in front or the provider of resources. Leading also requires being able to get behind some of the ideas of your followers. Support them! Guide them to green pastures but encourage and support the team along the way. After all it’s not about me. It’s never been about the captain. It could have been easy to make this week about me. But what purpose does that serve. The shepherd only exists because there’s a flock.

A few weeks prior to this week I prayed that the Lord would open my eyes to what He desired for this family. What did this family need? What needed to happen to bring this group both closer together and closer to Him? The Lord provided just as he promised. The verse from Matthew 6:33 true, “But seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” The Lord delivered Amy Waters and Jeff Olchesky. Amy put on a fabulous night for the ladies, and Jeff provided great man time for us on the skeet shooting range. The girls were beaming when they came home. Oh by the way, did I say that both Jeff and Amy sponsored the events as well. The Lord totally provided. My plans were to watch Ushpizin and have movie night. But God had something better in store. I just needed to be obedient and wait for him. “Seek and you shall find…” I sought and He provided. Although I don’t know the direct comments on the week I know what God provided for me to arrange really helped this family. And honestly looking out from here I don’t know why it took the Forge week for me to really serve my peers, my fam. To push myself using the strength and resources the Lord provides to serve them. 2%!

Matt’s is withholding all the debriefing comments. He said he’s testing me to make sure I am who I say I am. Frankly I understand and I’m down with it. It’s better that I truly understand what it means to shepherd.

Tomorrow hopefully we'll get completely caught up.

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